Have you ever set a wet umbrella in a corner after some heavy rain… only to find that later puddles of dirty rainwater have pooled around and getting your floor/carpet wet and muddy? Well, worry no more! The NanoNuno® umbrella cleans and dries with just a good shake. What’s the secret? – Innovative nanotechnology by modeling the umbrella fabric after a natural phenomenon – the lotus leaf.
In nature, rough nanostructures on the leaves of the lotus plant allow dirt and moisture to simply roll off due to smaller surface areas that water/dirt can stick. This is why the lotus flower can emerge from muddy waters unblemished and untouched by pollution. The NanoNuno® was developed in Switzerland during many years of research based nature’s ability to self-clean. Due to absence of dirt and water, the manufacturer claims that the umbrella will look brand-new even after years of use.